FRESUBIN® ORIGINAL DRINK 倍力康™ 1千卡營養品 (200 ml/毫升) 24 bottles/支

$540.00 $576.00
味道: 雲呢拿味

200 千卡
7.6克 蛋白質
1種 口味



口味: 雲呢拿味

規格: 每支200毫升

原產地: 德國

優點: 提供人體每曰所需

用量: 醫護人員根據病人的需要而決定。如營養補充,建議每日飲用 2 -3 支。如全營養,建議每日飲用 7-8 支。

成分: 水,麥芽糖糊精,牛奶蛋白質,植物油(菜籽油,葵花籽油),蔗糖,大豆蛋白,調味劑,檸檬酸鈉,氯化鉀,乳化劑(大豆卵磷脂,E471),磷酸氫二鉀,檸檬酸鎂,酒石酸氫膽鹼,維生素C,酸度調節劑(E332,E330),穩定劑(E415),氧化鎂,硫酸鐵,硫酸鋅,磷酸鈣,煙酸,維生素E,泛酸,氯化錳,硫酸銅,維生素B2, 維生素B6,氟化鈉,維生素B1,β-胡蘿蔔素,維生素A,葉酸,碘化鉀,氯化鉻,鉬酸鈉,亞硒酸鈉,維生素K1,生物素,維生素D3,維生素B12

儲存方式: 請儲存於室溫。開封後,可存放於雪櫃最多24小時。飲用前請先搖勻。請慢慢飲用。

請注意: 此產品適合作為身體唯一營養來源。不適合小於三歲的兒童。六歲以下的兒童要小心使用。不適合患有半乳糖血症之病人。確保有足夠的液體攝入量。本產品於受監控環境下包裝

Nutritionally complete sip feed
200 kcal
7.6g Protein
1 Flavour

Suitable for supplementary or complete nutrition.

Each bottle contains 200ml: 1.0kcal per ml can meet elevated nutrient needs
Optimized fat profile: 91% of fat is unsaturated fat
Provide daily need of body: For supplementary nutrition, 600m (3 bottles) meet the average daily requirement of all essential vitamins and trace minerals
Clinically free from lactose: Prevent diarrhea because of intolerance of lactose

Flavour: Vanilla

Format: 200ml in EasyBottle

Place of Origin: Germany

Benefit: Provide daily need of body

Product Usage: To be determined by a healthcare professional according to patients' needs. Recommendation for supplementary 2-3 bottles daily or complete nutrition 7-8 bottles.

Ingredients: Water, maltodextrin, milk protein, vegetable oils (rapeseed oil, sunflower oil), sucrose, soya protein, flavouring, sodium citrate, potassium chloride, emulsifiers (soya lecithin, E471), dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium citrate, choline hydrogen tartrate, vitamin C, acidity regulators (E332, E330), stabiliser (E415), magnesium oxide, iron sulphate, zinc sulphate, calcium phosphate, niacin, vitamin E, pantothenic acid, manganese chloride, copper sulphate, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, sodium fluoride, vitamin B1, ß-carotene, vitamin A, folic acid, potassium iodide, chromium chloride, sodium molybdate, sodium selenite, vitamin K1, biotin, vitamin D3, vitamin B12.

Storage Condition: Store at room temperature. Opened bottles may be stored in a refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Shake well before use. Drink slowly.

Warnings: Suitable as sole source of nutrition. Not suitable for children < 3 years. Use with caution in children < 6 years. Not suitable for patients with galactosaemia. Ensure adequate fluid intake. Packaged in a protective atmosphere.